Building XFree86 from a Source Distribution : Reconfiguring the server (source distribution)
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5. Reconfiguring the server (source distribution)

To build a different set of servers or servers with a different set of drivers installed:

  1. Make sure the source for any new drivers is in the correct place (e.g., driver source should be in a subdirectory of xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers).
  2. Change the settings of the server defines in host.def to specify which servers you wish to build. Also, change the driver lists to suit your needs.
  3. From xc/programs/Xserver, run:
    	make Makefile
    	make Makefiles
    	make includes
    	make depend

Building XFree86 from a Source Distribution : Reconfiguring the server (source distribution)
Previous: Building and installing the distribution
Next: Other useful make targets